I throw on the gear, the shoes, the headband and start remembering the fact that I hate working out!image

I am not mesmerized by the fads and quick fixes that will pump my body with fake nutrients and proteins made from a plant grown only under a cow patty. It is clear to me that “T-Pac” as I like to call it or “P90 kill me”now will eventually fade and we will be once again dancing with the new Richard Simmons and sweating to the 2000’s. Every time I work out, every layer of fat dribbles, shakes and smacks leaving me with a visual that would scare off the normal fitness guru.

What is it that draws me to this spot once again? The yoga mat of punishment and resentment that catches every piece of sweat and groan continues to beckon me to explore alternative workouts and to diet until I end up eating a full bag of Tostitos without the healthy salsa if you please. It is is my realization that I want to healthy, not skinny, but healthy. I have kiddos that are relying on me to be there for every milestone. It is my job and the students that I preach to about being healthy and exerting energy.

But oh how I hate you workout , yoga mats and drinking gallons of water until I feel like I am being potty trained again. However, I welcome you workout to punish and examine every morsel of my being until we are both completely satisfied.

It’s All In A Day’s Work

I was reminded by an amazing friend to remember to take the time to reflect…

“Reflection is an open door which helps to mold the path that leads us to the next adventure.” I have found that through reflection I continue to strive, to learn, to accept and educate. There are so many possibilities when one is given an open door. I am always cautious when approaching open doors, especially the doors where I have to begin questioning my motives and thoughts. I have come to the conclusion that while open doors provide us with moments of reflection, we must choose the correct tool to open the door with. The chosen tool is what will ultimately have the biggest impact on what will be awaiting us on the other side.
